Indian Rocks Beach Florida & Painting, Painting Painting

As winter storms show their strength and muscle here in North America and also Europe we send good wishes for safety to you. Violetta painting en plein air The show must go on and we mean that literally. As plein air painters each day brings us new joy and sometimes miniscule weather challenges, such as a gust of wind blowing our umbrella away or taking one of our hats for a jaunt or the wobbly leg of an easel suddenly deciding to curtsy. Mary Rose Holmes is sketching Helen Tilston sketching A typical lunch, thank you Mary Rose for today's creation. On days when it is just too overcast or windy our studio becons and larger pieces are painted upon. "Coastal Cottages Series Twelve" opens February 28th. On my morning walk I spotted these cormorants, they looked like they were saying "there are three of us too" Cormorants on Indian Rocks Beach Wishing you all the joy and blessings of 2014