Angels Abide Here

Helen Tilston painting Guppy's Indian Rocks Beach
A favourite expression of my mother's is:  "if a job is worth doing; it is worth doing well"  and
"no one will ask how long it took to complete a job but they will ask who did it" words of Kathleen Bohannon Glynn.

As you will recall from a previous post  RCS Helps The Gift of Food selected us as the artist for their fundraising card.  Thank you to all who have generously donated, including followers and one specifically namely Carolynn Cecilia who blogs under The Anchor and the Bird. Imagine my surprise to open her blog and note she carried my posting on RCS Helps.   Carolynn Cecilia began her "Days of Deeds" this past May and planned to do one good deed daily for 31 days and to her surprise she could not stop here. 
Carolyn Cecilia and I have not met but have become friends through blogging and I am always happy to see her new post. 

Carolyn Cecilia you are person of such integrity and honour and the Yiddish word "mensch" comes to mind when describing you.

Our art show opens next Sunday January 8th, Coastal Cottages Series Ten

It will be a very busy week and I wish all of you abundant blessings in 2012


  1. What a wonderful lifestyle you have! Florida is so beautiful and laid-back! Your artwork is lovely! Happiest of new years!

  2. Love the art life.
    The song is by "enya" Falling Embers.
    I am happy you discovered a new song that may inspire you as it does me. Thank you for sharing your visiting time with me.

  3. Good morning Helen, what a lovely post, and what a kind angel.

    Thankyou for your visit and kind comments. Good luck with your show. With much love, Linda x

  4. Good morning Helen, what a lovely post, and what a kind angel.

    Thankyou for your visit and kind comments. Good luck with your show. With much love, Linda x

  5. From what I read Carolynn is indeed a wonderful lady. Thumbs up for her. We have a word in holland which looks like the jiddisch word which is mens. It means human in english but it might be different from the jiddisch word?

  6. Such a nice story, Helen, and your painting is off to a great start. Congratulations to have been chosen.
    Have a nice SUnday.

  7. Hello Roz

    Apologies for delay in responding to your comment.

    Yes Florida is beautiful and has such variety, one can be laid back and also busy with so many choices.

    Thank you for our kind workds on our artwork.

    Helen xx

  8. Burlap Luxe

    Thank you for identifying that beautiful song. Enya has the voice of an angel.

    Thank you for visiting and yes we, too, love the art life
    Helen xx

  9. Carolyn Cecilia
    Again, Carolyn Cecilia, thank you for your kindness and generosity. You are one in a million.

    Helen xx

  10. Flowers at my Table

    Hello Linda

    Yes, Carolynn Cecilia is an angel and she does so much good and brings joy to many.

    She is such an example of goodness.


  11. Marja

    Thank you for visiting and explaining the jiddisch work in grater detail.

    Carolynn Cecilia is a little gem who brightens many days.

    Thank you Marja and wishing you a great year

    Helen xx

  12. Teresa @ Splendid Sass

    Thank you Teresa for your kind words and we hope the card continues to generate funds for RCS Helps.

    Wishing you a delightful year

    Helen xx


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