Triptychs - 101

Violetta, Mary Rose and Helen paint a triptych

(The  Plein Aire Cottage Artists - Mary Rose Holmes, Helen Tilston and Violetta (Shtumeyzen Chandler) - we have been painting together for eleven years.
Recently they got into creating triptychs, (pronounced trip' ticks) or three-paneled paintings. Each artist paints a third of the scene and when they put the three finished pieces together, they create a cohesive and colorful whole.
It's a special kind of teamwork for artists.

"Starting in the 1980s, a lot of artists learned to work collaboratively, so there's a precedent," said Lynn Whitelaw, director of the Leepa-Ratner Museum in Largo, who is familiar with the Plein Aire artists. "But I don't know of three artists that have worked together like these three do."
There is a certain harmony among them that transcends style. "They share the same aesthetic," Whitelaw observed. "Their styles are complementary, but each is distinct. There are subtleties in their individual creativity, so you can identify each artist.")

(Taken from The Tampa Tribune 2009-  by reporter:  Esther Hammer )
Spiritual Estuary A triptych. Helen, Violetta Mary Rose (one panel by each artist)
To date we have painted ten triptychs.  This past week a decision was made to create a new triptych
We scouted around and a suitable vista was established
Violetta checking perspective and the beautiful Indian Rocks Beach is visible between buildings
Violetta and Helen, check the sun and shadows and know that our unbrellas will remain folded due to high winds
Mary Rose taken relief from the hot sun in  the shade

A vista was selected and several sketches produced.  We settled on this sketch.
Sketch for Triptych by Plein Aire Cottage Artists.

 Each panel is 12" x 24"  - The triptych will be painted on location at Indian Rocks Beach and will likely take two sessions of 2-3 hours.

A pair of talking birds entertain us - the one on the right had a wolf whistle that turned heads
Note:  A triptych is three individual paintings which can be hung alone and separate, however, when hung close forms one cohesive image

Do you have original art work in your home? Are you familiar with triptychs?


  1. Going to be beautiful! Can't wait to se it.
    Glad you liked the door post. I love doors, and those are my favorites!
    Happy Tuesday.

  2. This triptych is gorgeous Helen.
    I have often thought about trying this with my photographs, and you have inspired me to get going on it. I think it is just wonderful that you have been together with your friends, painting for so long. You are so very fortunate to have each other.

    It is always such a pleasure to visit you here!

  3. What an impressive collaboration! How fun and wonderful for you all!

  4. This is so wonderful Helen. Well done!!

  5. Splended Sass

    Hello Teresa

    Thank you for your words of encouragement. We have had one session of painting and have plans to return for another session.

    To a great week

  6. Hello Lisa
    Thank you for your words of encouragement. We, Violetta, Mary Rose and I are very close freinds. Some joke we are like 3 sisters. We also encourage each other.

    Your photographs would look excellent in trip tych, diptych format.

    Have a great week

  7. Jacqueline- Cabin and Cottage

    Thank you sincerely for your encouragement and kindness. Welcome to our blog and thank you for following

    Helen xxx

  8. Hello Steve

    Thank you for following and for taking the time to visit and show encouragement


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