Cottages On the Rocks -Plein Aire Cottage Artists

The morning sun was especially bright and with absolutely no humidity Violetta, Mary Rose and Helen found the most delightful nest of historic cottages on a little street which runs one block away from the beautiful Indian Rocks Beach.

Easel legs were snapped into place and we found our motif. Again 3 friends, three vision and one view. Matthew and his mother own these beautiful historic cottages which were build c 1950 Comprising of three units. These are tastefully furnished and painted and are available for holiday rentals. The garden has an ancient jacaranda tree and many unique tropical plantings. Each of us were very satisfied with our paintigs and they will be displayed at Guppy's Restaurant - opening January 9th.

Matthew's credentials are listed below should you wish to enquire about rentals

Cottages on the Rocks
2404 1st. St.
Indian Rocks Beach, FL. 33785

My cell is Matthew Binnie 813-598-6899


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