Aughnish Kinvara Painting From Cos into my home

Fond memories of my childhood. This is the view of our home, from Cos, the causeway which led from Doorus to Aughnish. The sight of the Martello Tower signalled us to hurry home and not be dallying as we searched for sceanna mhara and other fish and shells. In Autumn, the blackberries were blooming and our fingers and lips were tatooed with the stain of the ripe berries. The sloe bushes were always a delight. Those tart tasting berries were so delicious.
In May we would listen to the song of the cuckoo bird, larks, nightingales and swans kept us company.

This painting is in oil on canvas and brings to mind beautiful fond memories, as I look at it, I can smell my mother's delicious scones cooling on the windowsill, waiting for us.


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