Trinity- Painting, Shopping and Creating

Artist and Desinger Mary Rose Homes is speaking of the use of yellow
Wednesday was our day to paint outdoors this week and whilst we love the ocean and the beach, we all have a strong sense and love for architecture. A day of city painting was decided upon. Sarasota, Florida was the choice.

Mary Rose, Violetta and Helen have been painting for almost twelve years and the friendship is one which is very special and  treasured by all three of us.  As with many close friends  often one will find us finishing each other's sentences.   We all aspire to having a positive attitude in our conversation and in our  time together  and we make every effort to  not contaminate our paintings with negativity.   Our slogan "Tell me you want prayer, but only bring me the good news"  (these words are by Violetta's late grandmother). 

With cappucinos for Mary Rose and Helen and Earl Grey tea for Violetta, easels are set up in historic Sarasota.

Historical area - a Guardian Angel guards over us.
Artist Mary Rose Holmes

Artist Violetta Chandler
Helen Tilston decides on this vista and set up easel

Lunch time and a french restaurant on Main Street was selected.  Our client Madame X arrived and joined us.  She wanted to view our morning's work and also use our expertise in selecting colours for her newly acquired second  home, a three bedroom cottage on the intercoastal waterway.  Madame X having recently renovated her main home, which is a large  chateau style home. This home we are quite familiar  as several of our large paintings and not so large paintings hang here and were carefully commissioned. 

Tranquil blue linen is a good choice for the hot Florida climate

  Violetta point to the variety of textures beneficial in decorating.  The hue, tone and value of colour is discussed. 

Madame X  has determined the colours she wants and a paint order is forthcoming. Art work was also selected and we shall be painting her favourite vistas in the coming weeks.

How do you establish what colours to paint your home?


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