Indian Rocks Beach a.k.a I.R.B = Is Really Beautiful

Last Light by Plein Aire Cottage Artist Violetta Chandler

The community of Indian Rocks Beach and the non profit organization, called Indian Rocks Beach Action 2000 hosted the annual Bling Fling dance this past Friday.

Each year, Mary Rose, Violetta or myself take turns in dontating a painting.  This year, was Violetta's time.  "Last Light" was auctioned off and fetched an excellent price. The entire proceeds benefit Indian Rocks Beach Action 2000.

Thank you Violetta


  1. Beautiful painting, and it looks as if fun was had by all, Helen! You and your group are so talented, and it is nice to see so many together for a cause. That is what it is all about!
    Happy Tuesday.

  2. I just added Plein Aire Cottage Artists to m blog tool. Now I won't miss anything.

  3. What beautiful painting, Helen!

    Wishing you a most wonderful weekend xx


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